Massachusetts Civil Service Commission > File an Appeal

The quickest way to file an appeal with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) is to file the appeal online.
Individuals filing an appeal online should be aware of the following:
1.    The person filing the appeal is generally referred to as the “Appellant” and the appeal is typically filed against a government agency, referred to as the “Respondent”.
2.    It is the responsibility of the Appellant to comply with all statutory and other filing deadlines. Failure to submit the appeal in a timely manner may result in the appeal being dismissed as untimely.
3.    Documents submitted to CSC could be subject to disclosure under the public records law.
4.    Problems on the Appellant’s end, e.g., problems with the Appellant’s Internet Service Provider (ISP), hardware, or software problems, will not excuse an untimely filing.
5.    Appellants unable to submit an appeal with CSC online have three additional options to file an appeal, as outlined on CSC’s website, but all statutory and other filing deadlines still apply, regardless of how the appeal is filed.
6.    An appeal filed online is not considered filed until the Appellant has:
A.    Completed all sections of the online appeal form.
B.    Completed the section to pay the filing fee online (through credit card or checking account) and received a payment receipt.
C.    Received a confirmation email from CSC confirming that the appeal has been filed online.
7.    Until all of the steps in Paragraph 6 have been satisfied, the appeal with CSC is not considered filed and may be dismissed as untimely unless the Appellant has filed a timely appeal using one of the three alternate methods of filing an appeal (in-hand, by mail or via email).